Lion Server on ESXi 5

Running Lion on ESXi 5 is simple enough, installing Lion Server on top of that is fine also – Although had issues setting the Lion Server as an Open Directory Master. Resolved this by setting the VM with dual core rather an single.

Exchange 2010 Powershell – Export Mailbox sizes

Get-MailboxStatistics -Database “[DATABASE NAME]” | Select DisplayName, ItemCount, @{expression={$_.totalitemsize.value.ToMB()};label=”Mailbox Size(MB)”}, @{expression={$_.totaldeleteditemsize.value.ToMB()};label=”Deleted Items Size(MB)”} | Export-CSV...

Lion Server on MacMini (RAID1)

The MacMini Server (Lion Server) comes with 2 x 500 or 2×750 GB Hard drive. Unfortunetly these drives are set as two separate drives. The steps below were carried out to have the MacMini running RAID1 with the two 750 GB drives mirrored. Hopefully this can help...