MacBook – Connection Timeout

Issue: MacBook cannot connect to wireless network with error message of “Connection Timeout” Worked around this by changing the authentication to WPA2 rather than WPA/WPA2 – Wireless connected instantly with no issues....

E-mail copy of latest NTBackup log

Issue: E-mail the latest NTBackup log. Method: 2 step script – first creates a copy of the latest log, second step e-mails via blat. Scipt: # LINE 1 # pushd C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftWindows NTNTBackupdata  ...

Email latest NT Backup Script

:: Created By Joe Davis :: :: This script will email the latest backup logfile to a specified user or group. :: @echo off set _SCRIPTNAME= set _LOGLOCATION= set _Text2Mail= set...