
  • BES Express 5,
  • SBS 2008,
  • Blackberry device.


  • User able to send messages from device via Exchange account via BES Express server,
  • User unable to recieve any incoming messages,
  • Other email accounts (Yahoo) working fine, and BB connected to BB network
Error Messages on Event Viewer > Application
  • Timer Event. Exceeded service authentication timeout. No authenticated services. Releasing session
  • Service authentication verify failed. Error: 1 Service: S24802405
  • {USER} BBR Authentication failed! Error=1
  1. Resend service books to device from BES
  2. Regenerate Encryption Key on device
An entry on Terence Luk’s blog shows a range of other error messages you may receive which can also be resolved by this process. Have a gander here> Terence Luk