Issue: By default, Apple Lion virtual machines can only be run on ESXi which is installed on Apple hardware.
Resolutiuon: Install the ESI Unlocker on ESXi installation.
- With a working ESXi 5 Installation, you will need to download Donk’s Unlocker and move onto datastore on ESXI.
- Make a note of where you moved these files by checking Configuration > Storage (Under Hardware) > Select your datastore – the location will be show under Datastore Details – This will be handy when running commands.
- Next you will need to enable shell access from the console. I carried out the first option (via the console).
- Via console, access the shell – at the main direct console screen, press Alt-F1 to open a virtual console window to the host, enter username and password,
- Navigate to location where you moved the unlock files to,
- Run commands as suggested by oegie:
cp * /tmp
cd /tmp
chmod +x ./
################################### - Reboot the ESXi system and install Lion!,
If you get an permission error when attempting to run ./, then carry out the additional steps (From Tickett’s Blog) – I am not sure which of the two below it was, but one of them worked!
chmod 777 esxi/* chmod 4555 esxi/*
The file is no longer available on the link in the forum thread – any idea where I might be able to get it from?